

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal is a dental procedure which helps in removing the entire internal parts, mainly pulp chamber of the tooth. It also root canal treatinvolves the filling Of the prepared empty cavity mth a suitable bio-compatible material, This procedure is done and advised only when the tooth can not compensate restoring material in a small cavity on the surface. The procedure involves the removal Of the nervous elements of the tooth which have been infected or decayed already due to microbial action or any physical pressures. The procedure that involves the root canal is also called as root canal therapy or root canal treatment. This is the only procedure that can help when the entire pulp and its contents are decayed. This procedure Of root canal treatment can be done by a general dentist, but the one who specializes in this field is an Endodontist.

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Symptoms Of Root Canal:


Procedure of Root Canal Treatment

  1. I. The dent1St diagnoses a patient and advices for the treatment if the root canal is decayed.
  2. The tooth area is isolated with the help Of rubber dam kit. which is a rubber sheet fitted with the help Of Clamps Or Clips around the tooth which is going to be treated. This isolation helps in ease of operation for the dentist and prevents the entry of mixing of fluids from the motor and the saliva in the mouth.
  3. The dentist would then prepare a cavity by the help of an aerotor which is done with proper outline and depth into the root, but this does not eliminate all the contents of the pulp chamber. Then the root canal files are used to entirety clean the root. These root canal files increase in thickness when they enter the root and help in removal of the pulp of the tooth.

  1. AIter this is done. there are 2 ways Of whith is Chosen by the dentist – Either do everything else In a Single Seating Or sealing the cavity with a soothing medicine With a temporary filling material for a week until the next seating is called for the completion Of the procedure.
  2. The use of soothing medic•ne is that it prevents the spread of further infection, if there was any praor to the cavity preparation, or also prevention of occurrence of any new infection in that region.
  3. The final stage includes the filling of the canal with some plastic material called Gutta Percha which are bio-compatible, and after the canal is filled. a suitable and esthetic regular cement filling is done over it. which can be accompanied with crown placement sometimes.


How Long Will the Restored Tooth Last?

Our treated and restored tooth/teeth can last a lifetime with proper care. Because tooth decay can still occur in treated teeth, good Oral hygiene and regular dental exams are necessary to prevent further problems, there is no longer a pulp keeping the tooth alive, root-treated teeth can become brittle and are more prone o fracture. This is an important consideration when deciding whether to crown or fill a tooth after root canal reatment. o determine the success or failure of root canal treatment, the most relied-upon method is to compare new X. rays with those taken prior to treatment. This comparison will show whether bone continues to be lost or is being regenerated,

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Ready to transform your smile? Schedule your visit to our trusted dental clinic today. Our skilled team is dedicated to providing top-notch dental care in a comfortable environment. Don't wait – take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile now!

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